

Up until a couple of days ago, I had absolutely no idea what softcups were and what they were used for. I kept hearing softcups being mentioned in forums and I eventually decided to research what their purpose was. I found out that a softcup is a cervical cap that allows sperm to concentrate right at the entrance of the cervix, boosting your chances of conceiving.

Apparently, softcups are used to boost fertility, and according to what I've heard, they actually work! If you're trying to conceive, the softcup is apparently a fantastic product which can be purchased online quite cheaply.

I personally haven't used the product myself but I've heard it may be used for male issues such as a low sperm count or motility and a lot of couples have tried it with great success.

To find out more information about this rapidly growing popular product, visit



Anonymous said...

I had been trying to conceive for over 2 years with no success. I tried clomid for one month which also didnt work. I was diagnosed with PCSO in 2007 albeit it was very very mild. I had regular periods and ovulated every month.

My mother, who always saw the heartache of not getting pregnant each month done some research and came across softcups. She suggested them to me and i decided to give them a whirl.

Well i used them for the first time in January this year and found out i was pregnant the end of January. I got my first BFP the first month of using them. I honestly believe if it wasn't for softcups i would not be nearly 12 weeks pregnant now.

Softcups are highly recommended.

Anonymous said...

I was TTC for 16 months and had tried everything you could possibly imagine without success so was rapidly losing hope but finally got my BFP the 2nd month of using softcups

My baby girl is due in 3 weeks time :) & I cant recommend them highly enough!

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