
Coming Off the Pill.

A common question asked amongst women who are trying to conceive (TTC) is "how long after coming off birth control (the pill) does it take for my cycle to regulate itself?"

The problem with that question is it varies from woman to woman, so no one answer can apply to everyone. A few things that should be considered when asking how long it will take for your cycle to regulate, is how long you were on the pill for. There does seem to be a common trend amongst women - those who have been on the pill for years will probably regulate at a slower rate than those who only used it for weeks or a few months. Another point to consider is how long after you come off the pill does the hormone start leaving your body. With the pill, it stays in your system for much longer than other contraception does (i.e. the implanon will be out of your system within 72 hours whereas it will take at least a couple of months for the hormones the pill produces to be out of your system).

It's not uncommon for women's cycles to be all over the place after coming off the pill and it's also normal not have a period for months (which can be frustrating if you want to chart your cycle because you are TTC).

Some women are lucky and they will have a period within just a few days or weeks and their cycle will regulate itself in record time, but once again, there are several things that affect how long it will take for your cycle to regulate.

With the pill, patience is required. You probably won't get pregnant soon after coming off it. Expect to wait at least a couple of months, but it usually does take longer that a couple of months for everything to return back to normal. Don't be disheartened - just find the strength to wait it out.



xkirstyx88 said...

Hiya,am came off mine in jan and had a normal month in feb now am late 5 days x

Anonymous said...

I came off of the pill in April 2009 after being on the pill for 10 years on and off (about 8 years in total). I had 3 cycles that were every 6 weeks to the day. They were very light though, only lasting two or three days at most, and not much flow. I then had no periods from end of August 2009 until December 2009. When I finally got my period back, My first cycle was 36 days. The last two are around 32 days. I have been charting since December and I have ovulated all three times since getting my period back. So, I was on the pill for about 8 years and it took 8 months to regulate.

Anonymous said...

i have just come off the pill an i am on cycle day 36 and no sign of af yet i wish it would hurry up... i also dont think i have ovulated yet

Anonymous said...

I came off Loestrin 24Fe in January 2010. That first cycle I had tons of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, sore breasts, bloating, and fatigue. These symptoms were actually all pretty similar to what I felt like when I first went on the pill six months prior. The first cycle off of the pill was 31 days. I had a 10 day luteal phase. I am now on CD37 of my current cycle with no signs of AF.

Quiche♥ said...

I was on the pill for 2-3 years (I cant really remember)
Before that I was on Depo for 4 years and before that I was on the pill. I have been taking contraceptives for 9 years (almost non stop). I stopped taking BCP July 18.

When i came off the pill(after I had my breakthrough bleed) I had some mid cycle spotting. The week leading up to AF I had really sore nipples, where my clothes would hurt. I was weak tired and nauseous. I also didn't have the cramps that I normally got before AF. I was also very emotional. Movies that I would normally have no reaction to, I bawled my eyes out.

As for my cycles, they have been the following days:

Anonymous said...

I came of the pill in Jan 10 after about 17 yrs.I had my normal withdrawl bleed.Since then I have had two VERY VERY light 'periods',both of which were 29 day cycles.Leading up to the 1st 'period'I had a very sore hip and lots of cramping.These symptoms were much better the second month.

Anonymous said...

I came off pill in December 09, had usual withdrawal bleed and then my cycle went straight back to regular 28 day cycles for Jan, Feb and March so back on track exactly. Only thing i now notice is the ovulation pain, heavier periods and lots of PMT symptoms.

Anonymous said...

Hi i came off mine 27th feb i was on cerrezete for 2yrs i have now started my first period in 2 years on the 26th march x

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