
Baby Envy!

The frustrating thing about trying to conceive (TTC) or waiting to try (WTT) is that there are babies constantly thrust in our faces. Everywhere we turn, everywhere we look, there will either be a heavily pregnant woman or a gorgeous new born bambino beside us. It's heartrending knowing that you are struggling to fall pregnant yet other women seem to be able to do it effortlessly (or even by accident).

I've noticed that even TV shows are taunting me: in 90210 last year, Adrianna was pregnant and this year in Glee, Quinn has fallen pregnant. Arggh! Frustrating! Constantly seeing babies means that babies are constantly on our minds and it's difficult not to get upset by it.

To keep myself sane, I just remember that my time will soon come even if it takes forever. I am hopeful and I make the most of every cycle to maximise my chances. Although it's hard, I deal with it and you can too! The waiting, stress and anxiety will all be worth it in the end.



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