
Good Health is Key.

While you are trying to conceive (TTC) and even when you're waiting to try (wtt), ensure that you and your partner are in good health by eating all the good stuff (fruit, vegetable, oats, wheat etc.) and drinking all the good stuff (water, milk etc.).

Make sure you have protein in your diet from sources such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Try and avoid fatty foods, sugary foods and also try to avoid caffeine (if you love coffee, drink decaff instead). You should also give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking because if you are serious about TTC, you will know that you can decrease chances of becoming pregnant (heavy smokers and avid alcohol drinkers may even be at risk of infertility).

Don't forget to take your vitamins and folic acid supplements which can help prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects in babies. If you don't exercise (walking, jogging, swimming etc.) regularly, now would be a good time to start as exercise will help you be at your fittest when it's time to carry your baby and give birth. Exercise may also help you ward off pregnancy blues and can keep your spirits high.



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