

Waiting to Try Preparations.

There are several things that you and your other half (OH) can do whilst waiting to try (WTT) for a baby. Here's a list of things that I'd recommend you do:

1. Get to a healthy weight
2. Eat more fresh food i.e. salads, greens and fruit
3. Take men's/ women's vitamins
4. Join a gym
5. Go on daily walks
6. Establish a regular sleeping pattern
7. Learn to control your stress
8. If you smoke, stop smoking
9. If you drink alcohol, drink significantly less
10. Try to cut out caffeine i.e. coffee and coca cola



Up until a couple of days ago, I had absolutely no idea what softcups were and what they were used for. I kept hearing softcups being mentioned in forums and I eventually decided to research what their purpose was. I found out that a softcup is a cervical cap that allows sperm to concentrate right at the entrance of the cervix, boosting your chances of conceiving.

Apparently, softcups are used to boost fertility, and according to what I've heard, they actually work! If you're trying to conceive, the softcup is apparently a fantastic product which can be purchased online quite cheaply.

I personally haven't used the product myself but I've heard it may be used for male issues such as a low sperm count or motility and a lot of couples have tried it with great success.

To find out more information about this rapidly growing popular product, visit


Coming Off the Pill.

A common question asked amongst women who are trying to conceive (TTC) is "how long after coming off birth control (the pill) does it take for my cycle to regulate itself?"

The problem with that question is it varies from woman to woman, so no one answer can apply to everyone. A few things that should be considered when asking how long it will take for your cycle to regulate, is how long you were on the pill for. There does seem to be a common trend amongst women - those who have been on the pill for years will probably regulate at a slower rate than those who only used it for weeks or a few months. Another point to consider is how long after you come off the pill does the hormone start leaving your body. With the pill, it stays in your system for much longer than other contraception does (i.e. the implanon will be out of your system within 72 hours whereas it will take at least a couple of months for the hormones the pill produces to be out of your system).

It's not uncommon for women's cycles to be all over the place after coming off the pill and it's also normal not have a period for months (which can be frustrating if you want to chart your cycle because you are TTC).

Some women are lucky and they will have a period within just a few days or weeks and their cycle will regulate itself in record time, but once again, there are several things that affect how long it will take for your cycle to regulate.

With the pill, patience is required. You probably won't get pregnant soon after coming off it. Expect to wait at least a couple of months, but it usually does take longer that a couple of months for everything to return back to normal. Don't be disheartened - just find the strength to wait it out.


Lean on Me by Glee

There can be so many different moments when you're feeling down or alone whilst trying to conceive (TTC), waiting to try (WTT) or whilst you're actually pregnant. If you feel like no one understands you or they don't see where you're coming from or how you truly feel, I recommend you listen to Lean on Me (the Glee version). I think I'm recommending mostly because in the TV show, it is sang to Quinn and Finn who are expecting a baby. It's a nice song choice if you want to be reminded that you're not alone and I think the lyrics make it an amazing "feel good" song (especially with the way the Glee cast sing it).


Unique/ Unusual Baby Names.

Here is a list of a few unique/ unusual babies names that I've heard of. If you've heard of any more, feel free to leave a comment and tell us.

1. Stone
2. Pirate
3. Storm
4. Shaden
5. Arik
6. Boston
7. Oak

8. Locryn
9. Caelan
10. Clemment
11. Zeph

12. McKennon
13. Xephirr
14. Zendrik

1. Mirror
2. Blackbird

3. Diletta
4. Persephone
5. Santana
6. Poem

7. Ryan
8. Pikabo
9. Paisley
10. Storm

11. Pepper

12. Echo
13. Hannica
14. Willow
15. Harmony
16. Kennedy


Food, Food, Food!

I've heard loads of different things that pregnant women have been craving, and interesting to see what kind of foods they love. Here are a few that I've read about:

Baked Potatoes with Sour Cream
Apples with Peanut Butter

I've even heard some women saying they've craved non-food stuffs (not to eat, but to drink or smell instead). These are things like:

Dishwasher Tablets
Air Freshener
Nail Polish
Surface Cleanser
Fabric Pens
Cleaning Fluids
Dry Shampoo Spray

If you have/ had any unique cravings, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what kind of foods that you loved or are loving now.


Three in a Bed by Carmen Reid

Last year I read a book called Three in a Bed and I actually thought it was pretty good. My other half (OH) got it for me and because of the topic (pregnancy), I read it straight away. The book is a fictional novel based around a woman wanting to get pregnant, but the story is not so much about her trying to conceive or about her waiting to try, it's mostly about her journey throughout her pregnancy and the hardships and exciting moments that come her way. It goes in to detail about things such as morning sickness and raging hormones, and it's generally quite a humorous book, so if you're in need of a laugh, this is a good book to read.


Pregnancy Films That I Love.

There are a couple of pregnancy films that I love to watch sometimes.

The first one I want to mention is Knocked Up (2007) starring Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl and Paul Rudd. It's a hilarious comedy movie about a one night stand that leads to pregnancy. It's definitely a feel good film, so if you haven't watched, I recommend you do! The second pregnancy movie I love is Juno (2007), which is more concerned with teenage pregnancy, but it's still definitely a movie to watch.

Away We Go (2009) is another pregnancy movie, but to be honest it's not very interesting and gets quite boring at times but that's my own personal opinion - you might find it interesting so check out that movie too!


Men and Their Mixed Signals.

It can be pretty confusing when your other half (OH) is giving you mixed signals about trying to conceive (TTC) and it can get really frustrating. I've heard a lot of women saying that one minute their OH is one board with TTC and the next minute they can't be bothered and start making excuses not to try.

The best thing to do is simply sit down and chat and know where both of you stand with the matter. It may even be a good idea to decide to use the "not trying, not preventing" (NTNP) method to TTC because then your OH may not feel like he's plunging himself in to something he's not too sure about. The NTNP method can be really effective because it's more like your letting everything happen naturally instead of really going out of your way to TTC. I think many men would prefer this and would be much more comfortable with the idea of TTC this way.

The issue with men is that they may get excited about having a baby, but then the next minute they realise how much it will affect their life and how much things will change. It's then easy for them to start thinking of all the negatives of having a baby (stress, crying, finance, sleepless nights etc.) instead of the positives. Reassure him and maybe draw out a clear cut plan for him to see that it won't be all bad and in fact it will probably be the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Just remember not to get upset by your OH's fluctuating mind and try not to get angry or frustrated with him - stress isn't good for you.


Baby Envy!

The frustrating thing about trying to conceive (TTC) or waiting to try (WTT) is that there are babies constantly thrust in our faces. Everywhere we turn, everywhere we look, there will either be a heavily pregnant woman or a gorgeous new born bambino beside us. It's heartrending knowing that you are struggling to fall pregnant yet other women seem to be able to do it effortlessly (or even by accident).

I've noticed that even TV shows are taunting me: in 90210 last year, Adrianna was pregnant and this year in Glee, Quinn has fallen pregnant. Arggh! Frustrating! Constantly seeing babies means that babies are constantly on our minds and it's difficult not to get upset by it.

To keep myself sane, I just remember that my time will soon come even if it takes forever. I am hopeful and I make the most of every cycle to maximise my chances. Although it's hard, I deal with it and you can too! The waiting, stress and anxiety will all be worth it in the end.


Cycle Charting Confusion.

Knowing when, how and what exactly to chart can be a very difficult and stressful task. The first thing to know is that there are several things you will need to look for every month concerning your body.

One of the easiest things to keep track of it your cervical mucus (CM). Your CM will change throughout your cycle and there are certain CM consistencies and colours that you should be aware of. When you are close to ovulating and on the actual ovulation day(s) you will notice that there is an increase of CM and it will be thin, clear, stretchy and of egg-white consistency. Once ovulation has pasted, you will notice that your CM either becomes dry or thicker that during ovulation.

The next thing to do is keep to buy an ovulation prediction kit (OPK). These are useful as they pinpoint your exact ovulation day(s) 12-24 hours before hand so that you have time to prepare for your ovulation.

Another easy but sometimes inaccurate way of charting your cycle is to keep a track of your body basal temperature (BBT) which will be at its lowest point while you are ovulating. After your ovulation days have passed, your BBT increase by about a tenth of a degree. Please note that tracking your BBT shouldn't be used as a method of predicting your ovulation day(s) - it is only use to confirm that you have actually ovulated. If you track your BBT every month, then you may be able to use it as a method of predicting your ovulation day(s).

Cramping is also another sign of ovulation and could be a useful method of charting your cycle (if done correctly). You may feel a twinge of pain or abdominal pains which is thought to be the release of an egg from an ovary. So make sure you pay close attention to and pains in the lower part of your tummy!

Getting to know your cervix is yet another method of charting your cycle. As ovulation occurs, your cervix will high, soft and slightly open which makes it easier for sperm to travel through it. You should check your cervix daily using one or two fingers to feel for changes and be sure to chart/ record the positioning of your cervix.

Last but not least, you can use a calender to keep a track of the day(s) you will be ovulating. As different women's cycles vary from month to month, you should rely completely on ovulation calendars as they are just a rough estimate based on the pattern of your period.

I also recommed you visit as they can gie you tutorials on how to chart your cycle with accuracy.

Hopefully this information is useful!

Good luck and happy trying!


Tell Me Something by Adele Parks

Last year I read this amazing fictional novel called Tell Me Something by Adele Parks. It really epitomises the longing women have to have a baby. It goes in depth in to how she feels and the process of trying to conceive (TTC). It's great to read because as women TTC, we can truly relate to what she goes through and her constant disappointment and love for babies. I bought it online for £6.99, but it may be cheaper now as it was released in 2008.

Happy reading ladies!


The Implanon (Contraceptive Implant).

According to many women, the implanon isn't a good form of contraception. I've heard complaints about women gaining extreme weight while on it, but the most popular/ common reason for disliking the implanon are the irregular periods that it causes. Some woman have found that their periods stopped fully whilst on the implanon which can be quite worrying and on the other hand some women have found that they've bled practically everyday since having the implanon fitted.

I personally feel that the implanon has been a good form of contraception for me because although my periods are nonexistent, I prefer it that way because I don't have to worry about irregular and spontaneous bleeding. I chose to get the implanon fitted because it's a long lasting form of contraception and because once taken out, your cycle apparently goes back to normal straight away.

I do realise that everyone is different, so although I have heard that I will have a normal period soon after implanon removal, I have also heard stories about women's cycles being all over the place for up to a year. Nonetheless, I haven't personally experienced any side effects of the implanon and I am content with it. As a word of advice, I would get the implanon taken out a couple of months before (trying to conceive) TTC because every woman is different and although some women's cycles will regulate itself immediately, others might take longer.


One Born Every Minute.

I am loving the Channel 4 show One Born Every Minute. Watching the process of labour is really exciting and fascinating. Even though it makes me broody and sometimes makes me cry, I love watching it. What do you guys think about the programme?


Good Health is Key.

While you are trying to conceive (TTC) and even when you're waiting to try (wtt), ensure that you and your partner are in good health by eating all the good stuff (fruit, vegetable, oats, wheat etc.) and drinking all the good stuff (water, milk etc.).

Make sure you have protein in your diet from sources such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Try and avoid fatty foods, sugary foods and also try to avoid caffeine (if you love coffee, drink decaff instead). You should also give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking because if you are serious about TTC, you will know that you can decrease chances of becoming pregnant (heavy smokers and avid alcohol drinkers may even be at risk of infertility).

Don't forget to take your vitamins and folic acid supplements which can help prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects in babies. If you don't exercise (walking, jogging, swimming etc.) regularly, now would be a good time to start as exercise will help you be at your fittest when it's time to carry your baby and give birth. Exercise may also help you ward off pregnancy blues and can keep your spirits high.


Patience is a Virtue.

When you are trying to conceive (TTC), it can feel like it's taking forever to get pregnant. A lot of women get upset, angry and frustrated when they are greeted with a period every month, but remember that there's only a 25% chance of a young healthy couple conceiving every month. There's only a small window every month in which to fall pregnant, so it's difficult to pinpoint exactly when you are ovulating.

It's important to know your body thoroughly so that you can make accurate predictions and give yourself the best chance of falling pregnant. Try not to be disheartened when your period arrives - remember that it can take up to a year to conceive even if you and your partner are in perfect condition and perfect health.

If after a year of TTC you still haven't fallen pregnant, you might want to check in with your doctor just to make sure there aren't any fertility problems involved and your doctor may be able to provide you with advice on how to maximise your chances of falling pregnant.

Keep yourself occupied when waiting for your period to be over, when waiting for your ovulation time to come and when waiting for pregnancy symptoms to arrive. It can be hard when you are particularly eager and anxious to know what's going on with your body and you might cause yourself unnecessary stress.


Just a Few Ovulation Symptoms.

Some ovulation symptoms I've heard of are:

Spotting - small amount of light/ dark blood from implantation.
Nausea - feeling sick.
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) - your temperature will increase a few tenths of a degree whilst you're ovulating after afterwards.
Mittelschmerz - lower abdominal pain (similar to period cramps).
Increased Sexual Desire - broodiness or wanting to have sex more often.
Aches - bodily aches anywhere (usually back or hip pain).
Tender Breasts - they may be sore and uncomfortable.
Cervical Mucus - there should be an abundance of clear, sticky and slippery mucus.
Cervical Position - your cervix while be higher, softer and more open around ovulation.

Hopefully this information will help those who are trying to conceive (TTC) understand what to look for when ovulating.


Feeling Bitchy?

We all know that "bitchy" moods are common when a woman is on her period and the time leading up to her period, but I've also heard a lot of women saying they feel like they're in a "bitchy" mood when trying to conceive (TTC) and around the time of ovulation. Being mean or in a rude mood shouldn't be taken as a sign of pregnancy because those moods are so common to anyone at anytime.

You may feel like you're being particularly mean and rude to people or highly irritable while TTC simply because of the stress and frustration that comes along with trying to have a baby. If you realise yourself being rude to your partner or someone else, when you've calmed down, apologise and explain how you're feeling so that they get a better understanding of where you're coming from and they probably won't take such offence to your behaviour.

Also, if you find yourself crying a lot, don't take that as a sign of pregnancy - there are a lot of reasons why you could be crying and I highly doubt it's to do with pregnancy (although there is a slight chance that it could be pregnancy due to your changing hormones etc.).


The Question About Spotting.

A lot of women say that when they experience implantation bleeding (spotting), they see a small light pink patch. Other women say they see a small dark brown patch, almost like dried blood.

So for people who are trying to conceive (TTC), it gets confusing when telling if they are spotting or just getting closer to their period. The question of spotting is pretty simple: it varies from woman to woman. It's difficult to tell if you are about to start your period or if you are experiencing implantation spotting, so if you think you are pregnant, don't rely on spotting as an indication that you are pregnant.

It's important to look out for other pregnancy symptoms because some women don't even experience spotting when they are pregnant. Look out for cramps, nausea, tender breasts and of course your missed period. Relying solely on spotting could lead to disappointment because there could be so many reasons for you seeing light pink or dark brown spotting.


Annoying Husbands/ Boyfriends.

I've heard many women complaining that their partners aren't sharing the same passion as them when trying to conceive (TTC). It can be frustrating when your partner says he's too tired or isn't in the mood especially when he knows how much TTC means to you. The most important thing is not to get stressed about it. Don't let it plague your mind, because when you are trying for a baby, stress is the last thing you need on your plate.

A lot of men don't understand or share the same passion for trying to have a baby and to put it simply, it's probably because women are the ones who go all out when TTC. For example we will go and buy softcups, chart our cycles, buy ovulation prediction kits, chart our basal body temperature (BBT) etc. and because we do all of this, the experience of TTC is much for intense for women as desperation, frustration and impatience creep in regularly.

It's easy for women to get frustrated at their partners for not committing to TTC as much as they should be, but don't get upset. Instead, the most effective thing you can do is talk to him and let him know how upset you are about his lack of enthusiasm towards TTC.

The other vital thing to remember is try not to make sex a chore because sometimes we can indirectly cause men to be put off sex when we keep on mentioning babies and TTC. If you get angry with him, he will more than likely get angry with you and it will become a vicious and unnecessary cycle. Remember that you're not alone with how you're feeling. Many women get emotional and upset because of their partner's lack of willingness towards TTC. Try and make sex interesting and try different things to make it more exciting for the both of you. You might find that he sees TTC as less of a chore if you spice things up a bit!